Thursday, July 26, 2007

Go Yellow!

i've been Simpsonized!
it's silly and fun and totally appropriate for a thursday evening. if you've always wondered what you'd look like as a Simpsons character, check it out!
hmmm...i wonder what my voice would sound like?

Friday, July 20, 2007

Commando vs. Capilene

over the years, i have been known to go commando as the mood struck me.
most men i've talked with have applauded my womanly prerogative. however, the majority aren't willing to make the leap themselves perferring to "corral the boys" in some fashion. one of my friends -- an iconoclastic road racer -- eschewed all sous-vetement until he discovered Patagonia capilene boxers.
curious as to what type of panties (sorry guys) you should wear? take this quiz and find out.
for me, i'll wear whatever suits my preference to creating my own "cleanest line".

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Take Action!

One More Step for Ocean Protection
Read the lastest on Patagonia's environmental campaign -- Oceans As Wilderness -- and find out what you can do to help end overfishing in U.S. waters and ensure that strong rules for the management of fisheries remain in place.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Catch this wave...

i dig this shirt from Patagonia -- i've always felt comfortable in the water and felt a connection with its creatures...especially the octopus. my six year old announced she wants to be a mermaid when she grows up....coincidence?
i think not!

First trip to Yosemite...

My first adventure in Yosemite came when i was a pony-tailed three year old who would much rather throw rocks in the Tuolumne and Merced River than hang out in Camp Four. Patagonia didn't yet exist but Chouinard Equipment was in full swing. i returned many times to hike among the trees and stare humbly at El Capitan and Half Dome. it was easy to see why John Muir and Ansel Adams revered this place...for me, it was just a big playground...for many, it still is.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Raison d'etre

This site is dedicated to Patagonia and its founder Yvon Chouinard.
First disclaimer -- although i'm a huge believer in their mission statement, their vision and their clothing & gear, i am not employed by Patagonia, Inc.

Second disclaimer -- i'm not an expert climber, skier, surfer, trail runner, swimmer, fisher or paddler...but i love getting out there.

Woulda Shoulda Patagonia!
i've hiked around Yosemite and other parts of the Sierra Nevadas, the Tetons, Adirondacks, the Wasatch...and alas, i've climbed the ubiquitous rock wall. i've body surfed the waves of Santa Cruz as well as parts of Hawaii, Mexico and the Caribbean. i've biked the rolling hills of Vermont in autumn; paddled the Snake, Virgin and other rivers, fished all over California and Wyoming, skied Utah (enough said) and all kinds of other adventures.

This blog's reason for being -- i have passion and respect for the connection between people and the wild & beautiful places of this planet. i know there are many who share this passion. Bring it on!
Send your pics and stories as you ski, surf, climb, run, swim, work, play, save the planet or whatever it is you do in Patagonia.
a bientot.